How to make subliminals work: Double your results by using these tips

Subliminals are some of the most powerful ways to develop your mind, personality and abilities. Through using them you can completely alter deep-rooted habits, beliefs, and behaviors in a way that few mind-development tools can. I’ve used subliminals to great effect in achieving many of my personal goals and swear by their effectiveness. Through years … Read more

How To Use The Law of Assumption In 4 Steps

Do you know about the Law of Assumption? It’s an immensely powerful law that when mastered will give you the means to easily manifest pretty much anything that you want. The law of assumption was first introduced by prominent law of attraction thinker, Neville Goddard. The main premise behind the law of assumption is simple, … Read more

How To Manifest Someone to Miss You (7-Steps)

How To Manifest Someone To Miss You

Have you ever missed someone and wondered if they feel the same? Through the law of attraction, almost anything is possible. Not only can you make someone miss you using manifestation. But eventually, as your thoughts and emotions intensify, you can get them to return to your life once again. Now the reason behind wanting … Read more